Several GSI employees will be presenting at the Battelle International Conference on the Remediation and Management of Contaminated Sediments in Austin next week (Jan. 9-12, 2023).

If you'll be at the conference, don't miss the following presentations authored and co-authored by GSI employees:

  • Porewater and Oxidation-Reduction Chemistry Assessment in a Complex Tidal Wetland for Remedial Design. Platform session, Jan. 10, 8:25 am. Presented by Ben Johnson.

  • Impacts of the Characterization and Evaluation of Wood Wastes on Remedial Design in a Tidal Wetland. Poster presentation, Jan. 10, 5:45-7 pm. Presented by Braedon Warner.

  • Development of a Programmatic Institutional Controls and Data Management Plan for the Portland Harbor Superfund Site. Poster presentation, Jan. 11, 5:45-7 pm. Presented by Rachel McDermott.

  • Water Level Elevation Monitoring to Inform Remedial Design in a Tidal Wetland. Poster presentation, Jan. 11, 5:45-7 pm. Presented by GSI client Sarah Greenfield (Oregon Department of Environmental Quality).

The Battelle Sediments Conference is a premier forum for sharing research results, practical experiences, and innovative approaches to investigating, remediating, and restoring contaminated waterways and aquatic systems.

Will you be there? We look forward to catching up and connecting!