GSI is providing hydrogeologic services for the design, installation, and testing of two ASR wells, two sets of nested monitoring wells, a core hole, and two well abandonments.
The City is preparing to convert its primary potable water supply source from groundwater to treated surface water diverted from the Sacramento River. During periods of lower demand (winter months), unused treated surface water will be recharged into the aquifer for storage using a series of specially-designed ASR wells. During the summer, when there are flow restrictions on the Sacramento River, the recharged water will be extracted, dosed with hypochlorite solution, and conveyed to the City’s distribution system. The objective of the project is to store treated surface water to improve the reliability of summer pumping and improve the quality of pumped water.
Working with Carollo Engineers, GSI provided hydrogeologic services for the design, installation, and testing of two ASR wells, two sets of nesting monitoring wells, a core hole, and two well abandonments. GSI is currently providing technical review and services to assist the City with ongoing ASR operations. A future phase of the project will include additional testing and possible expansion of the ASR program.
Project highlights:
Well drilling