GSI developed technical information to support the successful submittal of basin boundary modifications for two groundwater basins in the water purveyor's service area.
Under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), public water purveyors can apply for basin boundary changes that modify the areas they are managing. The application process requires significant technical information to support the need for modifications, but can give water purveyors more direct control to sustainably manage groundwater resources.
GSI helped CLWA staff in preparing the technical information necessary to submit a modification request, which ultimately led to DWR's approval of the request in fall of 2016. The boundary changes will give SCV Water greater ability to develop a workable SGMA-compliant groundwater sustainability plan for its basins.
GSI’s work involved:
View of the Santa Clarita Valley at sunset. Photo credit: Natalie Thun, Valencia High School student