GSI helps the City of Portland identify and evaluate potential contaminant sources in the Columbia Slough watershed.
The Columbia Slough watershed’s long history of multiple land uses—industrial, agricultural, and transportation—resulted in widespread contamination of sediments and fish tissue (e.g., PCBs, DDT, metals). More than 200 City stormwater outfalls drain approximately 13 percent of the Columbia Slough watershed. There are several pathways for contaminants from upland sites and City rights-of-way to enter the stormwater systems and be transported to the Slough. The City’s CSSP focuses on identifying potential sources of contaminants, working collaboratively with DEQ to use appropriate state and/or City authority to control pollutants at the source, conducting long-term sediment and fish tissue monitoring, and constructing stormwater treatment facilities in selected areas.
GSI’s work has included:
Industrial debris in the Columbia Slough watershed