Santa Clara River Valley East Subbasin GSP

GSI developed a groundwater sustainability plan for the Santa Clarita Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency.

GSI led a multidisciplinary team of consultants to develop a groundwater sustainability plan (GSP) for the easternmost groundwater basin in the Santa Clara River Valley. The project included the development of a basin-wide data management system, a hydrogeologic conceptual model, and a numerical groundwater model. As part of this effort, the GSI team characterized groundwater/surface water interaction and identified groundwater-dependent ecosystems along the Santa Clara River. We also supported stakeholder outreach efforts and conducted workshops on various topics related to the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) and GSP development.

The resulting GSP is a highly complex document that focuses on balancing the needs of all groundwater users in the basin and providing protections for the river and river habitat. The California Department of Water Resources approved the plan January 2024. Since submittal, GSI has led the implementation of the projects and management actions that were identified in the GSP to help achieve groundwater sustainability in the basin.

GSI's work involved:

  • Leading a multidisciplinary team of experts, including hydrogeologists, groundwater modelers, environmental and water resources planners, watershed modelers, and grant experts.
  • Conducting groundwater modeling to simulate future hydrogeologic and climate conditions based on SGMA sustainability criteria, and to evaluate the impact of proposed measures and projects designed to maintain groundwater production at sustainable levels.
  • Assessing groundwater/surface water interactions and groundwater-dependent ecosystems and supporting management actions that maintain groundwater-dependent ecosystems.
  • Supporting stakeholder outreach efforts and conducting educational workshops.
  • Providing annual reporting and other technical support to for the implementation of the plan.



Santa Clarita, California


  • Sustainable groundwater management
  • SGMA support and GSP development
  • Groundwater modeling
  • Stakeholder outreach

GSI helped to develop a GSP that balances the needs of all groundwater users and provides protection for the river and river habitat. The GSP was approved by the State of California in January 2024.