Lafayette Water Supply Evaluation and Well Rehab and Repair

GSI helped develop a water supply evaluation, which led to rehabilitating and repairing an existing emergency supply well.

As a subconsultant to an engineering firm, GSI conducted an alternative water supply evaluation of four potential water supply options for the City of Lafayette. The team assessed water quality, water quantity, water rights considerations, well performance, and source reconditioning, and provided recommendations for next steps and planning-level cost estimates for each option. Based on this evaluation, the City chose to rehabilitate an existing emergency supply well for permanent use. With our engineering partner, we then helped the City implement a rehabilitation program to clean and recondition the well and upgrade its pumping and monitoring equipment and electrical service. The rehabilitation program consisted of well video surveys, cleaning and brushing the well, and well performance testing. Based on the existing condition of the well, GSI used a low-impact well rehabilitation approach to clean the well and remove loosened scale and debris without compromising the well’s integrity. Post-rehabilitation performance testing indicated a 40–70 percent improvement in well performance and an improvement in water quality.

GSI’s work has involved:

  • Water rights assessments
  • Well construction and siting evaluations
  • Hydrogeologic site characterization
  • Well condition and performance investigations
  • Well rehabilitation program development and implementation
  • Spring source capacity evaluation
  • Construction management and documentation
  • Reporting 


Lafayette, Oregon


  • Water rights assessment
  • Hydrogeologic characterization
  • Well condition assessment
  • Well siting and design
  • Well rehabilitation
  • Construction management

The rehabilitated well performed better than expected and was promoted from emergency to regular use.